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Tuesday 14 October 2014

Yoga exercises for Asthma and Bronchitis

Question: - Hi doctor, is there any yoga exercise for bronchial asthma? How extended we should do yoga for getting relieve from asthma?

Answer: - It is basic to see the manifestations of Asthma all the more in the night which is called Nocturnal Asthma. The definite reason is not specified and there is no particular treatment said for nighttime manifestations, you need to control Asthma with the general solutions and breathing activities.

Solutions like Divya Swasari Kwath and Asthomap Tablets for Asthma  thrice every day after sustenance can be taken for a month and afterward assessed. Apply warm Karpooradi thailam or salt packs to the midsection which will help to liquefy the mucus.

Attempt to control your weight. Attempt to dodge blockage. Yogasanas like Padmasana, Matsyasana, Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana are gainful. Pranayamam like anuloma viloma can be begun to enhance the lung capacity.

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